Wordtrix is available on the iTunes Store!

The game is out!!! Visit my robot’s site Aegisarts.com for more information. I’m so excited for him!

This is his description of the game:

WordTrix is an Action Word-Puzzle game, combining elements of classics like Tetris, Scrabble and Crosswords to make a challenging yet accesible title.


Get it here!

Wordtrix for Iphone – Sneak Preview!

My robot has put together a sneak preview video for his new Iphone game.

If you have an Iphone, take a minute to watch the video! (If you don’t have an Iphone, then you should! LOL)

The game will be coming soon to the App store, so watch for it!

Just a little shameless plug!

My husband has been working on an iPhone game for a while now. It’s done!



I am totally biased, but I think it’s a great game! I’ll let you know when it’s available on iTunes!

iPhone Arm – The Best Accessory EVER!

Yes, we own an iPhone and is definitively, by far, the best piece of electronics we have ever had. Is trully amazing and has so many features that we can hardly put it down. It has become a necessity for me. So, this SUPER invention is exactly what I needed! Click on the image to see the Video Commercial and get yours today!