Guilty pleasures

So, I was twitting (is that even a word?) today. (I just joined Twitter last night) And I realized how I keep joining these social networking sites and, well, I can’t even keep up with my own blog! Then I thought about what my reason was for joining Twitter…

Well, I joined Twitter because I found out that two of my favorite Artists are on Twitter! And I spent a long while reading through their updates. They were fun! And even informative. So, I realized that I actually had some things I could come back and share on my blog.

Yes, if you’ve kept up with me so far, thanks! I am a rambling mess right now!

So, my blog is about my guilty pleasures. What are the things that keep me from blogging?! From keeping up with my friends on Facebook? From having a normal life?

Well, for one thing, I’ve been a moody person for a while. That keeps me pretty anti-social. But. There are some things that keep me company during those down times. And here are a few, in no particular order, because I love them ALL!

1. Reading – This topic will have to be discussed in a separate blog. I always loved to read, but I hadn’t actively read in years. Then, Twilight came into my life. Thanks to some pretty wonderful friends from The Nest who were already hooked (pmarie, Nikki, and so many others, you know who you are!). Reading (as shared in a previous post) has been a lifesaver for me. It has helped me cope through so much of the pain… So, I will share some of my favorite book finds in a later blog. I joined goodreads in order to keep track of what I read. I like it so far!

2. The Office – Wow, this is a wonderfully written show with so many incredible characters. I am addicted and watch episodes over and over again on DVR. I got into the show very late. But I love it now, LOVE it! I am definitely a dunderhead! Due to my love of the office, I started looking for info on my favorite stars:

  • That’s how I found (and have been following) Jenna Fischer on Myspace. She seems to be such a nice person! I love reading her blog. And that’s how I found…
  • My first reason for joining Twitter… Rainn Wilson! The real Rainn Wilson has a Twitter page, and he’s hilarious!
  • Also through Jenna Fischer’s myspace I found: Angela Kinsey’s Myspace she plays Angela Martin. She’s also very sweet and blogs every once in a while.

Yes, of course, I’m addicted as you can tell. And I’m one of those people. But I love it!

If you’re a fan of The Office or just want to see a really cute, funny, geeky video… Check this you tube video out!


I went to Disneyland this weekend…

Thank you, thank you, thank you, Chrysallys (Jennifer) for taking me to Disneyland this weekend!

Chrysallys is a good friend from the Nest (TTC 6+ Board) who actually took the time to make an AMAZING photoshopped image of all (or most) of the board members, ironed it on a shirt and ACTUALLY took us with her to Disneyland!

If I have learned anything from visiting that board is that it is filled with wonderful, beautiful women. Women that actually take the time to care for someone else (they’ve never met!) and make a difference in that person’s life. I feel blessed to have found them and am humbled by their awesomeness…

This is the image that was ironed on…

TTC 6+ Goes to Disneyland!

And this is Jennifer!

AWESOME Chrysallys!

Thank you for such an awesome gift, Jennifer. You are very talented!!! So, all of you out there, beware of where the TTC 6+ girls will show up next!

Visit Chrysallys (Jennifer’s) Blog!