Puerto Rico Airshow – US Airforce Thunderbirds!

Yesterday, I had the incredible experience of attending my first Air Show. I learned so many things from this experience!!!

First: If you’re going to an Air Show in Puerto Rico, wear proper sun protection. And Reapply!(OUCH!)

Second: Bring one of those annoying folding chairs. There is nowhere to sit, of course unless you want to sit on the very very very hot pavement…

Third: Bring a blanket.

Fourth: Bring lots of change and buy lots of water (even though it will get hot within 3 seconds of purchase.

Fifth: Get ready to spend over an hour in a traffic jam to go in. Park so far away that you could have probably walked there from the nearest mall… And get ready for it to take up to 3 hours to get out of there.

And finally, and most important of all. Air Shows RULE! Even with the heat, the sun, the standing for hours, the very hot drinking water, and getting claustrophobic when surrounded by more than two people (I’m sure for a while there I was suffering from some sort of heat stroke)… It was all WORTH IT! And I would go back tomorrow in a heartbeat.

It was amazing, awe-inspiring and at times, even kind of emotional for me. Every part of the show was amazing. I am probably the dumbest person when it comes to airplanes, I must say. Still, not being able to name (even ONE of the) planes I saw did not deter from my experience. I absolutely loved it. The whole show was artistic, inspiring and definitely worth the hassle of getting there.

My husband (my robot!) took some amazing pictures and put together a video of the experience. Check them out! I LOVE them!

If you want to see the high resolution pictures. Click here!

Click to visit the Air Show Album

Click to visit the Air Show Album

Check Out the Video, I love it!